DNA and Next Generation Sequencing Analysis
Our statistical support and bioinformatics data analysis help you explain the enormous amounts of data that result from several break-through technologies including microarray analysis of gene expression, single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping, high throughput mass spectrometry-based analysis of metabolites in biological systems. We combine a unique set of perspectives and skills to define custom analysis pipelines for your research. We also support data analysis for many next-generation sequencing experiments including transcriptional quantification (RNA-Seq), protein-nucleic acid interactions (ChIP-Seq), copy number data variations, global methylation, tumor heterogeneity, genotyping or variant analysis through genome sequencing. We offer a number of pipelines that have been developed to specifically support Next Gen sequencing projects. If the application can not be covered by predetermined analysis pipelines, we are happy to work with you to design custom analyses, computer code, etc. that fit your needs. For the increasingly demand for custom websites and databases to organize and disseminate your data, we can also work with you to develop solutions to meet the needs.